Climate Tech Startup

Industry 5.0

hybrid power plants

Smart and autonomous energy systems based on wind and solar

Combined use of solar, wind and biofuel energy

  • Our team has developed a design of advanced biofuel generators cLessDrive, which will become additional and environmentally friendly energy sources for hybrid solar-wind power plants.

    The combined use of solar, wind and advanced biofuel power generators will enable:

    • to create compact and autonomous hybrid power plants of various capacities for distributed energy generation;
    • to reduce biofuel consumption, harmful emissions, electricity costs and accelerate the return on investment;
    • to ensure uninterruptible power supply with low emissions on cloudy and windless days;
    • to use waste heat energy removed from the engine of the advanced generator to produce heat and cold in the process of cogeneration or trigeneration.

    Eco-friendly sources of mechanical energy for advanced generators will be modernized piston engines of tvarious capacities, running on biofuel and equipped with a new power take-off mechanism patented in the EU and the USA.

Features of eco-design of advanced generators

  • Eco-design features of advanced cLessDrive generators

    and compact and autonomous hybrid power plants:

  • use of upgraded piston engines in advanced generators, which will reduce fuel consumption and CO2 emissions by 40%, thereby ensuring a significant reduction in the costs of uninterruptible distributed electricity generation.
  • use of biofuel in modernized engines, which will further reduce emissions of harmful gases. As we know, biofuels are renewable, low-toxic and, when burned, produce fewer compounds that are hazardous to the environment and human health.

  • using micro-grids and machine learning to optimize the capacity of each hybrid power plant energy source, obtain hourly emissions data and further reduce costs.
  • Advanced biofuel generators will replace traditional electric generators for various purposes as independent and additional sources of low-carbon energy, will save resources and will make a significant contribution to the fight against climate change.

The relevance of compact hybrid power plants

  • The global market for solar, wind and distributed energy generation, liquid biofuels and generator sets is projected to reach the following values:

    • solar energy - USD 436.36 billion by 2032 with an annual growth rate of 6%.
    • wind energy - USD 174.67 billion by 2031 with an annual growth rate of 9%.
    • distributed energy generation - USD 916.16 billion by 2032 with an annual growth rate of 13.3% in the forecast period from 2024 to 2032.
    • liquid biofuels - USD 316.71 billion by 2032 with an annual growth rate of 9%.
    • generator sets - USD 34.36 billion by 2030 with an annual growth rate of 5.5%.

    The introduction of compact and autonomous hybrid power plants as sources of distributed, decentralized energy will ensure:

    • reducing the impact of natural and other disasters on the stability of energy supply, as well as the burden on nature, the economy and energy systems;
    • reducing the costs of launching, operating and storing energy;
    • elimination of losses during transmission of electricity to consumers, which can reach 15%, and the costs of creating transmission networks;
    • facilitating the transition to a waste-free economy and increasing energy independence.

    Compact hybrid power plants equipped with advanced biofuel generators will increase local community participation in decentralized energy development.
    Their introduction can be a good solution for the local economy, agriculture and the development of the biofuel industry.

Improvement of new and used piston engines

  • The internal combustion engine market is expected to reach USD 361.49 billion by 2029, with an annual growth rate of 6.30%.

    Today, more than 2 billion low-efficiency piston engines perform the bulk of the mechanical work in many types of machines and devices, including power generation.

    The low-cost upgrade developed by our team will help manufacturers significantly improve the energy efficiency of piston engines and maintain their market positions, and will also allow:

    • to use up to 80% of the main parts from the donor engine;
    • to reduce fuel consumption and CO2 emissions by 40% compared to a non-upgraded analogue;
    • to upgrade new and used, mobile and stationary piston engines, which will allow them to organically fit into global energy, environmental and waste-free trends.

    Innovative modernization does not violate the theoretical foundations and principles of engine operation and will preserve both traditional types of fuel (gasoline, gas, diesel fuel) and alternative types - biofuels, as well as promising ones - synthetic fuels, hydrogen.

Recipients of our engineering solutions

  • Our team is focused on producing individual types of advanced products, as well as providing our engineering solutions to manufacturers of the following advanced products:

    • upgraded piston engines that, after modernization, significantly reduce fuel consumption and CO2 emissions and easily integrate into global environmental and energy trends;

    • advanced biofuel generators that will provide additional clean energy to solar and wind power plants, battery electric vehicles, light vessels and aircraft, and will also become independent and efficient sources of clean energy;

    • compact hybrid power plants that reduce consumer bills and vulnerability to natural disasters;

    • new unique components for modernized engines and advanced generators.

    The new products will benefit buyers of lower-cost, longer-range electric vehicles, low-emission uninterruptible power supplies, and other energy-efficient products that improve quality of life and reduce climate impact.
Core Team

Our team includes scientists, mechanical engineers, energy engineers, research engineers, as well as innovation and marketing specialists.

The team members have extensive experience in scientific research in the field of environmental and energy efficiency, development of drive systems and control algorithms for piston engines and transmissions, as well as marketing research.

Boris is an energy engineer with experience in innovative industrial energy projects.
Jan is a scientist, PhD in Engineering Sciences, and a specialist in minimizing energy losses in internal combustion engines.

Natalya is a business analyst, development and innovation specialist, with the ability to make decisions and take responsibility.

Nick is a mechanical engineer, a specialist in the development of control algorithms for modeling and virtual testing of engines and transmissions.
Pavel is a mechanical engineer, designer, and specialist in the field of power drives with experience in manufacturing and design organizations.
Vlad is an engineer, specialist in the development and implementation of innovations in the field of ecology and efficiency.
Alex is PhD in Math, a specialist in the field of mathematical theory of controllers, modeling and research of controllers in various systems.
Pavel has a master's degree in economics, teaching experience at an international university and participation in innovative projects.
Global warming, the main cause of which is greenhouse gas emissions, is the most serious crisis of our time, and it is happening even faster than we expected.

Huge amounts of CO2 emissions come from the 2 billion piston engines that do most of the mechanical work in all forms of transport, industry, energy and agriculture.

At one time, piston engines helped free people from the hardest manual labor, made it possible to create airplanes and other types of transport, and also revolutionized the production of electricity.

They still do most of the mechanical work on the planet, but excessive pollution leaves piston engine manufacturers with a choice between increasing efficiency or cutting production.

But piston engines have no analogues in terms of operational autonomy, so a radical increase in their efficiency will allow them to become environmentally friendly sources of mechanical energy for autonomous generators for various purposes and help combat global warming.

Expanding the use of biofuels

As is known, biofuels can replace a significant part of the total demand for fuel without compromising food production and significantly free us from oil dependence.

Biofuels are low-toxic, produced from natural, renewable raw materials and, when burned, form fewer compounds that are hazardous to the environment and human health.

Its advantages include virtually waste-free use of resources, the ability to produce energy from cost-effective feedstocks in a variety of climates, and the ability to sequester carbon dioxide through photosynthesis, thereby helping to reduce atmospheric concentrations.

Our team is focused on increasing the use of biofuels in the energy industry, which helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Piston engine upgrade

Comparison of the parameters of the useful operation of a traditional engine and a piston engine with a new kinematic cLessDrive scheme
  • Low-cost modernization of piston engines will help engine manufacturers significantly improve the performance of their products, maintain their market position and join the global environmental and energy trend.

    When modernizing, up to 80% of the main engine parts are used. Modernization will make it possible to increase the energy efficiency of manufactured or operated engines in the shortest possible time.

    Experts know that simplified empirical dependencies used in engine building are the basis of the modern theory of kinematics and engine dynamics.
    However, these dependencies do not allow their use for theoretical substantiation of the effectiveness of alternative kinematic schemes.

    The proposed patented cLessDrive power take-off mechanism, thanks to a modified kinematic scheme, converts thermal energy into useful work much more efficiently.

    Thanks to our team, the new power take-off mechanism received theoretical justification and confirmation of its high efficiency on a manufactured prototype.
    At the request of interested companies, we are ready to provide a brief report on the conducted research.
Comparison of the parameters of the useful operation of a traditional engine and a piston engine with a new kinematic cLessDrive scheme

The essence of engine modernization

Comparison of the parameters of the useful operation of a traditional engine and a piston engine with a new kinematic cLessDrive scheme
  • The essence of the ecological modernization of engines is the replacement of the crank mechanism with a patented cLessDrive power take-off mechanism.

    The new mechanism converts the energy of the translational movement of the pistons into rotation of the output shaft much more economically, thanks to a more rational use of pressure in the cylinder at the stage of intensive heat supply, at the beginning of the piston stroke.
    According to the study, this will allow the updated engine to reduce fuel consumption and CO2 emissions by up to 40%.

    Since the new mechanism does not violate the theoretical foundations and principles of operation of any piston engines, it will allow saving on both traditional types of fuel (gasoline, gas, diesel fuel), and alternative ones — biofuels, as well as promising types of fuel — synthetic fuel, hydrogen.

    The new power take-off mechanism consists of simple standardized parts, is easily adaptable to mass production and will reduce the weight and dimensions of the engine.

    Piston engine manufacturers can quickly and inexpensively upgrade and test their first resource-saving engine. We will help them develop the necessary part of the design documentation for this process.
Comparison of the parameters of the useful operation of a traditional engine and a piston engine with a new kinematic cLessDrive scheme

Current process

Computational research and evaluation of the effectiveness of the new clessdrive kinematic scheme
  • Our team conducted computational studies and performance evaluation of the new patented power take-off mechanism using advanced CAD and CAE tools, manufactured and tested a model of the mechanism, and determined the layout of the updated piston engine.

    We also develop machine learning algorithms to optimize the performance of modernized power units using renewable fuels.

    When developing advanced generators, our team is guided by the principles of eco-design - incorporating environmental considerations into the design process by balancing environmental and economic requirements.

    The methods we have developed allow us to determine the design, energy and economic indicators of resource-saving engines, which are necessary for assessing their efficiency as part of the drive of machines for various purposes: mobile and stationary, operating on land, in the air and on water.

Computational research and evaluation of the effectiveness of the new clessdrive kinematic scheme

Business model of the project

  • We invite investors and business partners:

    • to join our innovative project aimed at developing distributed, decentralized electrification of energy and transport;

    • to jointly participate in competitions for financing innovative and climate projects.

    The participation of investors and business partners in our project will allow them to be among the beneficiaries of the implemented innovations, and not among the recipients of already developed technologies.

    The business model of the project is focused on several sources of income:

    • income from our own production of advanced generators for various purposes and new unique components for them;

    • income from orders for the development of design documentation for modernized engines and advanced generators for various purposes and their individual units, for the manufacture and testing of prototypes, for the development of an intelligent control system for a hybrid power unit;

    • income from licensing agreements for the right to manufacture and sell products containing patented solutions, including a one-time license fee and royalties expressed as a percentage of the agreed selling price of the product.

Project development periods

  • The development of the project involves two periods: a period of growth and a period of intensive expansion of the project.

    I. The project growth period (2025–2027) includes:

    • development of design documentation for the modernization of a piston engine from a well-known manufacturer and a generator based on it;
    • production and testing of prototypes of an engine and generator;
    • protecting new solutions and products with patents;
    • demonstration of the energy efficiency of the engine and generator both separately and as part of a hybrid power plant at a physical facility and/or its digital twin;
    • participation in competitions of innovative and environmental projects.

    II. The period of intensive project expansion (2028–2030) includes:

    • organization of production of advanced biofuel generators for hybrid power plants and new components for them;
    • active informing of recipients of engineering solutions about new developments with a demonstration of prototypes;
    • conclusion of contracts for the design of new products, as well as licensing and other agreements.

We invite like-minded people to cooperate

Carbon dioxide emissions are at their highest levels ever and global electricity demand has increased by 90% since 2000.

The changes we are seeing in weather patterns around the world, including as a result of human activity, and what this means for the future are terrifying.

The overall share of pollution from the energy sector is steadily increasing, despite the growing share of renewable energy sources.

It is therefore imperative to implement sustainable and environmentally friendly distributed energy generation projects.

We will have to abandon the careless consumption of energy that does not take into account its production and is expensive, and come to the realization that, as in the natural world, energy must be produced in a distributed manner and used sparingly.

Our distributed energy generation project will help nature and save our resources and energy!

We invite investors to the project:

  • now is the time to invest in our green innovative startup, which is in line with the Industry 5.0 trend and will become a unicorn in the near future.
  • dividend payments and the possibility of investor exit with a high ROI are planned for 2030.
  • we are ready for constructive negotiations and discussion of mutually beneficial terms of cooperation.

We invite business partners with production and research potential, as well as manufacturers of piston engines, electric generators, solar panels and wind turbines, to cooperate and jointly participate in competitions for financing the development and production of environmentally friendly sources of mechanical and electrical energy.

The team of the startup project

“Compact hybrid power plants "wind-sun-biofuel”

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© Copyright 2023 Climate Tech Startup "Compact hybrid power plants “wind-solar-biofuel” BOKWIG LLC, Warsaw, Poland
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